Projects to save our ocean which contributes 80% of the oxygen we breath.
About Us
Natnavi Foundation
Our planet – a pale blue dot on the vast canvas of the universe, is fast approaching a point of no return. In the current world order, materialism supersedes human values. The economy is more treasured than ecology, and profits are prioritized over people. This ceaseless demand for more pushes our soil, air, water, food, forests and climate closer to an inevitable collapse. About a decade earlier, a few souls gathered together for a good reason to dedicate their time, resources and skills to protect the space which we call our home. The small team turned into a big family of people from different cultures and areas to form the earth’s military, protect the planet, and educate and nurture others to join our mission. Around the globe, we are standing up for our communities and holding governments and corporations accountable.
Support Our Mission
Natnavi Foundation (Corporate Identity Number – U85300KL2022NPL078762) has worked over different activities from planting trees to protecting the ocean, we have started working on different projects to help and educate everyone about reducing their carbon footprint. Our association with other NGOs in alignment with our mission helped our volunteers to reach more diverse areas to focus and work. NatNavi exists because of activists, supporters, donors and volunteers who believe in taking collective action for the environment. Our planet needs us more than ever – individuals, communities and groups who have the power to shift the paradigm.
Our vision is to develop a lush-green and bio-diverse sustainable world for future generations with the core philosophy of reducing the overall carbon emission by humans. We believe that a billion acts of courage can spark a brighter tomorrow. We invite people out of their comfort zones to take courageous action with us, individually in their daily lives and in community with others who share our commitment to a better world.
Learn How you can change yourself
Watch the video below to know more about the impact of your daily life in nature.
What we have done
(and growing!) volunteers & community members advocating for the reduction of carbon emissions.
working for better breathable cities from